Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blog 7- Oedipus the King and Podcast
Right now in World Literature, we are reading Oedipus the King. I am actually enjoying this play. Usually if I read ancient pieces of literature like this I don't like it and don't understand what's going on until the teacher explains it. But, I actually understand and it's a really suspenseful play. It's keeping me on the edge of my seat the whole time. In order to read this play you first have to read and understand Oedipus Myth. This is what we had to read in class before reading Oedipus the King. I am so excited to see what else happens at the end of the play! From what I can see, the ending won't be pretty for Oedipus.

I finished my independent reading book A Clockwork Orange. It wasn't exactly what I expected it would be, but I'm happy I got the chance to read it. Right below this paragraph is a link for my podcast. This podcast is information about my independent reading book, a rating for the book, and other criticisms I gave. Hope you enjoy it!! :)

Podcast Link:


  1. We are too reading Oedipus the King we have just started so we are not too much in depth. I too usually have a hard time understanding ancient plays until someone explains it to me. I have no idea what will happen to Oedipus.

  2. I have a hard time understanding ancient greek literature too, and we just started reading Oedipus the King as well. I hope it is as good as you say!

  3. Ancient Greek literature and I do not go well together also. That is of course until my Literature teacher explains what we have read (I also had a hard time with Anglo-Saxen writing).

  4. We just started reading Oedipus as well, and I like the play so far too. Just like you usually I have a bit of a hard time reading ancient literature but for some reason this play has kept me interested and made it less difficult to understand.
